The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) Information

To patients, friends and family of Dr. Frank Lee and Dr. Jae Park

At West End Smiles Family Dental Care, we always strive to provide the highest quality dental care to our valued patients. In line with this commitment, as of May 2024 our dental office was pleased to announce that we were accepting the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP). This includes our current patients, who are now covered under the plan, our returning and new patients, who are able to access dental care thanks to this coverage.

This new program aims to provide more Canadians with access to affordable dental care by offering a range of benefits and coverage. If you do not have private insurance and meet the criteria, you or your family members might be eligible to receive dental insurance through the CDCP. We encourage all our eligible patients to apply, as this is a great opportunity to have access to dental care for those who do not have private insurance or insufficient funds for dental treatment.

Service Canada is accepting applications in phases.

  • Online applications are now open for seniors aged 65 and above, adults with a valid CRA Disability Tax Credit Certificate and children under 18.
  • All remaining eligible Canadian residents will be able to apply in 2025. 

To apply, please visit the following link:

You can also call 1-833-537-4342 The hours of operation are 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. local time or the TTY Number is 1-833-677-6262. The hours of operation are 7:00a.m. to 7:00p.m. Monday to Friday E.S.T

If you need help applying you can visit any service canada office and they will be happy to assist you. Call the number above for the location closest to you.

For patients who are already covered by a provincial or federal dental program, such as ODSP, Healthy Smiles, NIHB etc.  you will also now be eligible for the CDCP along with your existing plan. We encourage you to apply when you are eligible, allowing you to have access to better coverage.

Once you confirm your eligibility with the CDCP, they will provide you with a CDCP identification card by mail. This card will indicate when you are eligible and what percentage of services, you’ll be covered for under the CDCP fee guide.

When you receive your CDCP identification card please send us an email to [email protected] or call us at 613-232-0392 and provide us with your:

  1. Certificate Number
  2. What percentage you will be covered for, AND
  3. When you are eligible to start receiving services

*Note: This information will be found on your card and in the corresponding documents it came with.

We will then verify your eligibility and book you in with one of our dental professionals to work with you to create a personalized treatment plan and get you the care that you need!

Things to consider when choosing West End Smiles Family Dental Care

While we are accepting the CDCP, our fees are based on the Ontario Dental Association (ODA) Fee Grid. This means any differences between the CDCP Fee and the ODA fee will be the patients responsibility.

In other words, 1. If the ODA Fee for a service is higher than the CDCP fee, the patient will be responsible for paying the difference. 2. The patient will also be responsible for paying any percentage of the eligible service fee not covered under the CDCP based on the patient’s family net income. These two fees will be known as the “co-Payment” this is the difference of what CDCP is NOT covering.  Please note that all co-payments are and will be due in full on the day of service.

Please see below as an example:

First, you’ll need to know what percentage of coverage you will be covered for. This information will be found in the corresponding documents your card came with.

Sliding scale of Eligibility based upon Family Net Income
Family Net Income% of eligible services costs covered by CDCP
Lower than $70,000100% CDCP
Between $70,000 and $79,99960% CDCP
Between $80,000 and $89,99940% CDCP

To then determine your patient co-payment, you’ll need to know the difference between the CDCP Fee and the ODA Fee.  See example using a three-unit scaling (cleaning) based on which % you fall under.  

Patient  Coverage (Percentage)CDCP FEEODA Fee1.Difference Between Fee’s2. Percentage of the eligible service fees NOT covered by CDCPCo-Payment Patient is responsible for:
100%$192.00$197.00$197.00 -$192.00 = $5.00

Patient responsible for: $5.00
(100% of $192.00) = $192.00

Patient responsible for: $192.00-$192.00= 0
$5.00 + $0.00 = $5.00

Total co-payment: $5.00
60%  $192.00$197.00$197.00 -$192.00 = $5.00

Patient responsible for: $5.00
(60% of $192.00) = $115.20

Patient responsible for: $192.00-$115.20= $76.80
$5.00 + $76.80  = $81.80

Total co-payment: $81.80
40% $192.00$197.00$197.00 -$192.00 = $5.00

Patient responsible for: $5.00
(40% of $192.00) = $76.80

Patient responsible for: $192.00-$76.80= $115.20
$5.00 +115.20 = $120.20

Total co-payment: $120.20

Our team is committed to ensuring you receive the best care possible, and we believe that by accepting the Canadian Dental Care Plan it is an opportunity for us to provide care to new and existing patients, many of whom have been unable to afford to see an oral health provider regularly in the past due to cost.

If you have any questions or need more information about the Canadian Dental Care Plan and how it benefits you, please use the many resources below.

Our team members are also here to assist you every step of the way,


Drs. Frank Lee & Jae Park

Please see the follow resources for more information regarding the CDCP

Government of Canada  – CDCP website:

CDCP Benefits Guide

For a detailed list of services covered by code, please refer to the CDCP 2024 Fee Grids on

Sun Life CDCP Website for Oral Health Members

Sun Life’s CDCP Call Centre (Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time):