Instructions to patients following oral surgery
- Bite on gauze and change every 30-40 minutes change when necessary.
- Keep fingers and tongue away from the operated area.
- Do not rinse vigorously or spit for 24 hours or use a straw, although it is permissible to drink cool or lukewarm liquids. Smoking should be avoided for 12 hours.
- Starting tomorrow, rinse your mouth frequently with a solution of ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Continue the rinse for a few days. (3 to 4 times per day)
- If discomfort persists or increases after 3 days, please contact the doctor.
- Diet – Cold or lukewarm liquids may be taken for the first 4 – 6 hours. After this, any soft food is permissible.
- Bleeding – It is normal for the saliva to be streaked with blood for a day. If pronounced bleeding is present, fold the sterile gauze into a firm wad and place it directly on the bleeding area. Maintain firm pressure by biting for 30 minutes. The gauze may be substituted by a warm, soaked tea bag. The tannic acid in tea has a clotting effect.
- Swelling and discoloration – is to be expected in certain areas, usually reaching its maximum two days after surgery. It will disappear gradually and is no cause for concern. If desired, ice pads may be applied for the first 4 – 6 hours only, alternating for 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off.
- If sutures were placed, they will dissolve on their own – If after 7 days, sutures are still present and are uncomfortable, please call the office and an appointment will be made for you to remove them.
- Please call our office with any concerns you may have.
ADULTS ONLY: take Advil 400mgs every 4-6 hours + 1 extra strength Tylenol if needed.
*Continue this regimen into the second day for pain management and inflammation