Post Op Instructions for Implants

For the remainder of the day

  1. Do not spit. Use a tissue to wipe your mouth if needed, or swallow your saliva.
  2. Do not use a drinking straw. Drink directly from a cup.
  3. No Smoking
  4. Keep fingers and tongue away from the surgical area.


Minor bleeding is expected after implant surgery. 

  1. Keep gauze on the surgical area and apply with pressure. 
  2. Replace gauze approx. Every 30 minutes until bleeding is minimal or has stopped.
  3. If Gauze is not working after your 3rd attempt, use a moistened black tea bag in place of the gauze. The tannic acid in tea will help form a clot and stop the bleeding.


Some patients may experience swelling after surgery. It may be mild or severe and is different for every patient. Swelling may peak at 24 to 48 hours before it stars to go away. Some bruising may also develop on face.

  1. Use an ice pack on the cheek or face next to the surgical site. Keep on 15 – 20 minutes and then off for 10 minutes
  2. While sleeping, try to keep your head elevated above your heart. This will help with reducing swelling.


You may eat a soft diet when the freezing wears off Keeping food away from the surgical area. You may resume with a regular diet when you feel up to it.


You will be given a prescription for a medicated mouth rinse which you may start using the evening of the surgery. This mouth rinse helps keep bacterial levels down. You will also be provided with a prescription for an antibiotic. Please take antibiotic until finished.